Healthcare web Diagnosis API test

   Published: 9 Jul 2023
You can retrieve the suggested diagnoses list by applying GET request:
This is the last GET request listed in Postman collection provided by us.
The 9999 is Id supplied with your POST statement. After you successfully send the POST request, Diagnosis API system starts to generate list of Possible Health Conditions. Please generate unique Ids since your clinical decision system's users may access simultaneously. You have to replace the DEMO_AuthenticationID with your production registered ID.

After you successfully send the POST request, Diagnosis API system starts to generate list of Possible Health Conditions. Please generate unique Ids since your clinical decision system's users may access simultaneously. You can retrieve the suggested diagnoses list by applying GET request:
This is the last GET request listed in Postman collection provided by us.
The 9999 is Id supplied with your POST statement. You have to replace the DEMO_AuthenticationID with your production registered ID.